Friday, January 16, 2009

Mental Map

So on my intro blog I think I talked about how maps don't have to be just something you look at with the cardinal directions (N,S,E,W) or mountains and rivers and streams. To me maps get you from Point A to Point B to Point C and so on and so forth. The map above is sort of what I am talking about. It's a mind map of one's it starts from a specific point (point A) then goes off on a related thought (point B) which can spawn another separate thought (point C). Some may be specific in detail, others, quite vague. It doesn't seems to matter. It just gets you thinking and gives your thoughts a direction to go on.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


So, I do a lot of traveling. I am originally from Orlando, Florida. And I come home about once a month. Currently, I am writing this post from Orlando. I was just here last week, but since my friend had a tonsillectomy, I came home to take care of her.
Maps. Hmmmm. Where would be without them. They are definitely one of those useful things that I don't think civilization would have advanced without. You have maps of mountains, cities, roads, towns, even the human body if you think to stretch your imagination that far. Also, think how far along mankind has come with maps; from the ancient maps of Babylon to TomTom, it has really come a long way. I don't think any of our ancient predecessors would have thought that we would get this far with the advancement of maps.
I am definitely one of the more "map inclined" people in my family. I get it from my mama. My sister, Nora, definitely not map inclined. She gets lost ALL the time. There hasn't been a time that she's gone somewhere and has had to call home because she's lost. It's quite fascinating. My mom and I had to talk to her about how to get to Birmingham just the other day. She must have gotten there okay because she didn't call us.
I hope by taking this class I can expan my understanding of maps and put it to good use for the future. I am a premed student getting my degree in exercise science. I am a senior and hope to be done within the near future. I would like to make it into the University of South Florida because they appear to have a good neurology program. And see, that's another type of map I guess; A map of my future educational/career plans.

Anyways...enjoy the maps on this site. I'm hoping to find really interesting ones!